rope swing record
does the period of a pendulum depend on its mass?
Time-Lapse: Lose Yourself in the Night Sky
fastest response time
The kangaroo rat’s escape response to a snake attack is less than 70 milliseconds and the quickest mammalian startle response.
Selected solar system objects to scale in size, rotation speed and axial tilt
Milky Way and Earth
Milky Way spinning around Earth
Milky Way fixed, earth spinning round
The Milky Way Fly Out
Stefan Payne-Wardenaar
Least action, path of bowling ball minimizes action
A free-falling frame of reference cancels gravity
A free-falling frame of reference cancels gravity 😳! (@benorlin hope you don't mind if I used your characters and congrats for your new book)#PhysGIF with @geogebra
— Luca Moroni (@sfera314) September 15, 2019